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작성자 Patti
댓글 0건 조회 153회 작성일 23-08-17 14:41


Almost as important as the Sugaring itself is making sure you take care of your skin before and after your treatment. Here is a guide to refer back to for your skin care do’s an don’ts..

Before your Sugaring treatment…

So you’ve booked your Sugaring appointment. Here is a couple of tips to lessen the pain and increase the longevity of the silky smooth hair free feeling.

- First and foremost, make sure you have allowed enough time for your hair to grow to the appropriate length. Typically we ask for your hair to be about 1/4 of an inch (the length of a grain of rice). This will ensure all hair will be removed completely by the root.

- If you’re really worried about the pain and haven’t experience hair removal before take 1 or 2 Tylenol about 30-40 minutes before your appointment. This will not get rid of the pain but it will help take the edge off.

After your Sugaring treatment…

You’ve just invested time, money and a little discomfort in order to be hair free - so it makes sense to look after it.

What to expect..

It’s normal immediately after your sugaring treatment to be a little red. For sensitive skin types it is normal to be quite red, have prickly heat-type rash or even have the appearance of hives. This should disappear after a few hours and is normally due to a histamine reaction. This does not mean you are allergic to the sugar! Over time, after regular sugaring treatments your skin should adjust and the frequency of the hives and severity of redness will reduce.

What to avoid..

Because Sugaring removes the hair at the root, It leaves your pores exposed, this is why it is important that you keep the area clean and bacteria free.

- Avoid activities that cause excessive sweating for 24 hours. Sweat, tight clothes and friction can cause irritation of the skin and introduce bacteria into your pores. This can cause ingrown hairs to appear and in some cases infected pores.

- No sunbathing or tanning beds for at least 12 hours.

- Have your sugaring done at least the day before you go on holiday, and be liberal with sunscreen on those areas.

- No swimming in a chlorinated pools, hot tubs or saunas for 24 hours.

- Avoid touching the area to ensure it remains bacteria free. As the pores close bacteria can get trapped below the skins surface and turn into an infected pore.

- Use a tea tree oil based products to apply to the area for it’s anti-bacterial qualities. Never apply tea tree directly to the skin, always dilute tea tree in water, lotion, or carrier oil.

3-10 Days after your Sugar

As your skin closes over the follicles, the next consideration is to ensure you prevent ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can occur when the new baby hair growing in gets trapped under a layer of dry skin. A few simple measures can easily avoid this situation…

- DO use a soft brush (dry brush) or sugar scrub to gently buff the area every 2-3 days

- DO use a product like Vanish PFB to roll over the area after showering. This product contains lactic, salicylic and acid which helps ensure dead skin cells are buffed away allowing your hair to grow freely through the skin.


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